Looking at the (Wo)Man in the Mirror: How to Confront Imposter Syndrome

“In a few months people will be calling you “Doctor”.  It’s important that you become a drug information expert.  I remember the exact moment that I heard this statement.  I was in one of the final courses in my Doctor of Pharmacy degree program, and my toxicology professor stressed the importance of being a pharmacist,…

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PILs Conversations Volume 4: Transitions of Careers in Pharmacy

Looking to make a career shift? Changing your career outlook IS POSSIBLE.  The world of pharmacy is diverse and there are lots of opportunities out there that most pharmacists are unaware of. Join our PILs Ambassadors on Thursday, August 27th at 9PM EST for a discussion around career transitions as they share information about their…

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PILs Coach Program Wants You!

PILs is proud to announce that we are accepting applications for the PILs Coach Program!  This program is designed to provide consultative services to 4th year students aspiring to obtain a post-graduate opportunity, specifically a fellowship or residency.  As an enrollee, you will work with experienced pharmacists who will provide key experiences to prepare you…

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13 Tips to Ensure a Successful Midyear Experience

13 Tips to Ensure a Successful Midyear Experience

The American Society Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP) Midyear Clinical Meeting (MCM or simply “Midyear”) is one of the largest gatherings for pharmacy professionals, providing both educational and networking opportunities. Midyear is your first official opportunity to connect with residency programs, network, and make that first impression. The residency showcase and PPS both afford the chance to…

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